Lean ground turkey is mixed with egg, greek seasoning and herbs, a little feta cheese and grated zucchini and pan sautéed until browned, bur still juicy. Rice is cooked in greek seasoning and stock for the base of this bowl. A simple red wine vinegar, shallot and olive oil dressing coats some farmer’s market tomatoes and cucumbers as well as some marinated artichokes and chick peas for added protein. the bowl is finished with a dollop or drizzle of a yogurt based lemon, garlic, and mint sauce with just a tiny cayenne for a little kick.

To serve: reheat the rice and meatballs. Add 1/2 cup of hot rice to a bowl; top with meatballs. then add a generous scoop of the marinated veggie salad and finish with the yogurt sauce! OPA! It is a healthier version of Greek Flavors.